Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Solemnization 041210

Solemnization Ceremony
Theme colour: Blue & Silver

Dulang Hantaran dari pihak lelaki.

Sirih junjungTelekung
Mas kahwin
Duit hantaran

For all these (inclusive of the dulang pahar renting), the price charged is only RM400.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Solemnization 250710

Sherwani & Shapura's Solemnization Ceremony
Theme colour: Red & White

Dulang Hantaran dari pihak lelaki.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Engagement 211109 (Pihak Perempuan)

Zila and Naim's Engagement Ceremony
Theme colour : Pink & White

Dulang Hantaran pertunangan dari pihak perempuan.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Engagement 211109 (Pihak Lelaki)

Zila & Naim's Engagement Ceremony
colour: Brown

Dulang Hantaran pertunangan dari pihak lelaki.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dulang Pahar untuk Disewa.

We provide 3 types of dulang pahar that can be rented for your engagement or solemnization ceremonies.

1. Type A: Glass
We have a total of 11 dulang pahar of this type.
Price per dulang pahar: RM30
Price per set: RM300

2. Type B: Silver steel
We have a total of 9 dulang pahar of this type.
Price per dulang pahar: RM25
Price per set: RM200

3. Type C: Tembaga
We have a total of 9 dulang pahar of this type.
Price per dulang pahar: RM20
Price per set: RM170