Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dulang Pahar untuk Disewa.

We provide 3 types of dulang pahar that can be rented for your engagement or solemnization ceremonies.

1. Type A: Glass
We have a total of 11 dulang pahar of this type.
Price per dulang pahar: RM30
Price per set: RM300

2. Type B: Silver steel
We have a total of 9 dulang pahar of this type.
Price per dulang pahar: RM25
Price per set: RM200

3. Type C: Tembaga
We have a total of 9 dulang pahar of this type.
Price per dulang pahar: RM20
Price per set: RM170


masjuliana|masjuju said...

salam. bertanya bagi pihak adik. masih available untuk disewa?

Fifi Fehr said...

salam :)
still available.
call this number directly 012-9251242 (pn siti ramzah)